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back translation meaning in Hindi

back translation sentence in Hindi

उलट अनुवाद
पश्च अनुवाद
पश्‍च अनुवाद
back    कमर पीछे का
translation    रूपांतरण
1.I have made templates for and and so forth, to do the back translation.

2.This stage is described as the back translation review.

3.In addition it is possible to get a good back translation from a bad forward translation.

4.The poem in this song is a back translation and doesn't fit to the Russian original in the book.

5.:: Noting that the original comment was off topic, it certainly sounds like a machine back translation to me.

6.Consultants at the Ukarumpa headquarters read through the back translation and checked the Chuave-language version with local speakers to test its accuracy.

7.The reconciled version, or harmonization, is then back translated ( back translation ) by two individual blinded translators who have no previous knowledge of the original questionnaire.

8.The back translations are used as a window into the translated version, so that the project manager can assess whether the translated version accurately assesses the concepts measured by the source questionnaire.

9.They drive the Met's system of seat-back translations and ease the complexities of putting on a fully staged opera _ never the same one two nights in a row _ on every night but Sunday.

10.But this is based on a mistaken back translation of the Tibetan translation ( " rnal byor bla med kyi rgyud " ) of what appears in Sanskrit texts only as Yognuttara or Yoganiruttara ( cf.

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How to say back translation in Hindi and what is the meaning of back translation in Hindi? back translation Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.